As the Portfolio Committee on Health (PCoH) is in the process of holding public hearings on the Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill (Tobacco bill) in the Northern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces, the...
SA’s The Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Use Disorder Policy: A Lesson to Learn for Tobacco Harm Reduction
South Africa has a long-standing tradition of adopting harm reduction strategies to address public health crises. From the fight against HIV/AIDS to needle exchange programs, harm reduction has been pivotal in saving lives and improving...
South Africa, Let’s Not Ignore What Has Worked in Other Countries in Developing Effective Tobacco Control Policies
In the pursuit of public health, South Africa finds itself at a critical juncture. As we grapple with the persistent challenge of tobacco use, especially amongst young people, the Vapour Products Association of South Africa...