Doctor Robert Cranfield, an Emergency Medicine specialist from Madison, Tennessee, conducted a study into the health effects of e-cigarettes.
The research looked at the demographics of people who switch from smoking to vaping and the health effects on those who’ve been vaping for three or more years.
Dr Cranfield did this as the common complaint regarding vaping research is that no-one has results of long-term studies.
He found that people who had been vaping for more than three years had a 96% reduction in reported adverse health events and seen a resolution of 61,8% of existing health problems that developed while they smoked.
The study also found that non-smokers who started vaping also didn’t develop any health problems.
Cranfield can be quoted as saying “E-cigarettes have a dramatic and positive effect on the health of those who are able to switch from cigarettes. This can have a tremendous social and economic impact if their use becomes wide spread as a substitute for cigarettes.”
The University of Rochester also did research on the same topic but focusing more on flavoured e-liquid. It was called “The respiratory health effects of inhalation exposure to e-cigarettes flavouring chemicals are not well understood.”
They produced cell cultures and exposed them to various liquids concentrations of diacetyl, cinnamaldehyde, acetoin, pentanedione, o-vanillin, maltol and coumarin. This was aimed at proving whether vapour produces an inflammatory and oxidative response. They concluded, “our data suggest that the flavourings used in e-juices can trigger an inflammatory response in cells, providing insights into potential pulmonary toxicity and tissue damage in e-cigarette users.” All the research proved was that coating cell cultures with toxins are bad for them and has nothing to do with real life vaping. Furthermore, this study is disproved by the experiences of vapers all over the world as well as by Dr Cranfield’s work.
Read full article here.