Vaping is slowly becoming more and more common-place.
Over the last couple of years, we have seen the rise of e-cigarette usage or vaping around the world. This can be in part contributed to a general and global move towards people seeking healthier lifestyles. Included in consciously living more healthier lives, people are seen to smoke less cigarettes or abandoning the habit all together. Vaping plays a big role for some in attaining these goals, as many move from cigarettes to e-cigarettes in their efforts to quit.
A recent study conducted by the University of St. Andrews “Comparing the cancer potencies of emissions from vapourised nicotine products including e-cigarettes with those of tobacco smoke” was published in the Tobacco Control journal.
The study analysed emissions of various nicotine-delivering aerosols and compared the cancer risk. It found that “cigarette smoke had the highest potency and that e-cigarettes had cancer potencies less than 1% of cigarette smoke.”
The team who conducted the study concluded that cigarettes posed the highest lifetime cancer risk, followed by heat-not-burn devices, then e-cigarettes and lastly medicinal nicotine inhalers.
To read the full article and findings, click here.