UK parliament recently held an inquiry into the health impacts, regulatory challenges and financial considerations of vaping in the UK, which saw experts given the chance to counter criticisms.
The UK is one of the most progressive in the world when it comes to e-cigarettes, even recognising and promoting it as a cessation method as part of the yearly Stoptober campaign.
The inquiry was mostly positive whereby experts stressed the much safer nature of vaping is in comparison to smoking and the effectiveness of it helping smokers quit.
The reason for the inquiry was to address concerns around the mixed messages about vaping to the public.
In addition to presenting and discussing research, MPs also submitted 80 written submissions by industry associations to tobacco companies, pharmaceutical companies, professors, universities, charities, vaping companies and other interested individuals for consideration.
It seemed to be an optimistic outcome and vaping will continue to have a positive impact on the UK.
Read full article here.