Recently, research was done with regards to in-home air pollution, which included vaping. It was conducted by a team of researchers led by Dr Neil E. Klepeis and yielded interesting results.
The main aim of the study was to determine the harm posed to children by in-home air pollution. The team looked at contaminants like cigarettes, marijuana, vaping; and also frying food and using candles. Each household selected to participate in the study had at least one adult who smoked and a child under the age of 14. Before embarking on the study, interviews were conducted to determine smoking habits and any other mitigating activities.
Results showed that smoking, frying foods and cleaning products significantly reduced air quality, with it being worse in smaller homes. Smoking was found to cause the worst air quality, whereas e-cigarettes hardly had an impact.
These results go a long way to argue a case for vaping especially with skeptics. It shows that vaping is safer not only for those vaping, but also for bystanders.
Read full article here.