Vaping and asthmatic smokers – what’s the impact?

There are more and more studies emerging on the effects of vaping on various aspects of health. The latest being from Dr Polosa. His research looked specifically at how it affects those with asthmatic conditions who wishes to quit or reduce their tobacco consumption.

Cigarette smoking is linked to the development of new-onset asthmatic conditions in allergic adults. Most cigarette studies showed an accelerated decline in lung function and an increased severity of airflow obstruction in asthmatic smokers.

Asthmatic pump

18 participants were identified and ranged between single and double users. Measurements were done before participants switched or started using e-cigarettes along with smoking. There were two check-ins during the study – at 6 and 12 months.

The outcomes showed a significant improvement in spirometry data, airway hyper responsiveness (AHR) and asthma control.

Taking into account that e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional cigarettes, lead to reduced tobacco consumption and coupled with the findings of this study, it’s only logical to deduce that regular vaping to substitute smoking is a valid option for asthmatic smokers who can’t quit by other methods.

Read the full study here.