We’re in the midst of VApril which is aimed at educating people on vaping and helping smokers to switch to a healthier alternative.
VApril is a campaign which takes place for the month of April in the UK. It’s sponsored by the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA). It is the biggest campaign organised by the UKVIA to date and aims to encourage smokers to quit through vaping.
It comes off the back of the PHE’s report findings which confirms its 2015 findings that e-cigarettes are at least 95% safer than smoking.
There are 7 million smokers in the UK of which 3 million have already become avid vapers with a big percentage having switched completely.
A shocking 40% of the UK’s population doesn’t believing or realise that vaping is much safer and could possibly save lives. In light of this, it comes as no surprise that campaigns promoting vaping are becoming more commonplace in order to educate the larger public.
Dr Christan Jessen from the show Embarrassing Bodies, is the face of the campaign. In addition to the VApril campaign encouraging smokers to make the switch, it also poses a challenge to everyone.
The VApril Challenge consists of vaping classes at vape specialist stores. There, smokers can learn about the various harm reduction products available to them and the most effective methods of quitting. To help smokers navigate their way through VApril, UKVIA released an accompanying education guide too. You can join the VApril challenge here. Even though it’s limited to the UK, there is still some helpful tips for all smokers who want to quit.