

The United Voice for the Vapour Products Industry

“The Vapour Products Association of South Africa (VPASA) is committed to informing consumers about smoke-free alternatives to traditional cigarettes.”
VPASA member signage (LinkedIn Background Photo) (820 × 360 px) (Facebook Cover) (1640 × 924 px)

Youth Access Prevention

Self-regulating our members to protect access to youth, in line with global best-practices.

"We want to send a very clear message to the government that we want to work with them, as well as that we are a sector that is capable of acting responsibly in areas such as the prevention of youth access to ENDS, where it arguably matters most”.
Orange and Dark Blue Debate Team Poster (16)

Advertising Regulatory Board Appendix L - Vapour Products​

The ARB has worked with member VPASA to develop an appendix that addresses the challenges involved in the marketing of vapour products. The new appendix addresses issues such as marketing to minors and health claims.

Who is VPASA?

We are committed to ensuring quality and safety in all our members’ products and marketing.

VPASA represents manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of smoke-free vapour products in South Africa. We work with the government and other stakeholders to develop legal regulations and standards for our industry and ensure that consumers have access to all available information about vapour products.

What We Do

We provide consumers with resources about EVPs as an alternative to smoking.

We work with government and regulatory bodies to set standards to ensure our industry is transparent and well-regulated.

We guide our members on Youth Access Prevention so they only cater to adults over the age of 18.

We strive for our industry to meets certain industry and safety standards.

Our Vision

The Vapour Products Association of South Africa (VPASA) envisions a happier nation able to make their own informed choices. We believe that the use of vapour products offers an excellent alternative to traditional cigarettes, promoting tobacco harm reduction.

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve as a united, official voice that represents the EVP industry. We are committed to delivering consumers, government and the media with up-to-date information in order to make informed policy and purchasing decisions. We recognise the need for a properly regulated industry, and we will work with regulatory bodies and government to ensure that the vapour products industry is accountable and responsible in its actions. We are also committed to working with research institutions and the medical fraternity to add to the vast body of research in this area.

Our Principles

VPASA is committed to providing an alternative to combustible tobacco products for adult consumers:
  • VPASA members sell only to adults and not minors
  • VPASA members do not make any health or cessation claims in their marketing
  • VPASA members support packaging all e-liquids in child resistant packaging
  • VPASA members support accurate and appropriate labeling of the products to inform the adult consumer of the contents of the package

Vapour Products Association

Vapour Products Association of South Africa (VPASA) represents manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of smoke-free vapour products in South Africa. We have come together to work with government and other stakeholders to develop legal regulations and standards for our industry and to ensure that consumers have access to all available information about vapour products.

As the united voice for the vapour products industry and a growing contributor to the South African economy, we are committed to ensure quality and safety in all our members’ products and marketing, and seek to contribute to the growing body of empirical evidence that our products represent a safer alternative to smoking, and have the potential to save millions of lives.

As employers and taxpayers, we are committed to treating our employees fairly and always acting within the letter and spirit of the law as responsible corporate citizens.

We Are Committed to...

quality and safety in all our products and marketing, and seek to contribute to the growing body of empirical evidence that our products represent a safer alternative to smoking, and have the potential to save millions of lives.


Working towards fair regulation of the vaping industry.


Working towards evidence based and risk-proportional taxation.


Working with government and regulatory bodies to set standards and ensure that our industry is transparent and well-regulated.


Adding value to and amplifying the growing body of empirical evidence about vaping..